Orchid Luxury Bouquet

Orchid Luxury Bouquet


Orchid Luxury Bouquet

Combining orchid stems that will last for weeks with Spring flowers fresh from local farms!

Flowers in the picture are worth R900.

Note:  All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only due to seasonal availability. We will ensure that the style, theme and colours of the arrangement is similar, and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.


The Orchid Luxury Bouquet  is the ultimate flower gift to someone special. The orchid stems in the bouquet will last for weeks, do not miss out while they are in season! The flowers are  delivered as a bouquet or arranged in a glass vase. Our flowers are freshly picked from the farms and we create a unique bunch for every order and delivery. We also handwrite and attach a small card. For an extra special spoil, add  Winston & Julia chocolates to your delivery.

This bouquet is perfect to send as a birthday gift, thank you, or congratulations.  Flowers in the Foyer is the reliable florist in Stellenbosch!

Delivery around Paarl, Franschhoek, Welgevonden, Somerset West, Technopark, Stellenbosch, Val de Vie, De Zalze and to Medi-clinics.